Environmental Policy 2023 - Vehicle Vision

Environmental Policy 2023

We recognise that our business activities have an impact on the environment, and we are committed to continually improving our environmental performance to help reduce our impact.
Key points of our Environmental Policy:

– As a minimum, comply with all relevant environmental, social legislation and regulatory requirements.

– Consider environmental factors when procuring goods and services.

– Buy and use resources in a responsible and sustainable manner.

– Where practically possible, employ a policy of ‘electric only’ for company vehicles.

– Comply with the environmental policies and standards of our customers.

– Stay committed to supporting our community, making a positive contribution to the environment.


– Encourage environmental awareness among our team members.

– To conserve energy where possible through responsible use of electronic equipment and a commitment to recycle.

– Where practical, use technology such as video conferencing to reduce business travel.

– Promote alternative transportation methods including car sharing and cycle to work scheme.


– Reduce the use of and encourage the recycling of consumables.

– Implement initiatives to reduce the amount of waste we generate.

– Maximise the percentage of our waste which is recycled.

– Dispose of electrical items in accordance with regulations, recycling where possible.

“We have a responsibility to the environment beyond legal and regulatory requirements”

Aidan Rooney
Director of Vehicle Vision